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FEATURE BUILDER | Tissue Builder


  • Congeals rapidly to make tissue building quicker and easier.
  • Expands more fully to eliminate uneven application problems.
  • Especially useful for rebuilding damaged facial features.


Sold as 16oz/473ml

Also available in gallon jugs. Call to order!



Regular price $14.70 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.70 USD
Sale Call (708) 836-1215 to Order

Depending on application, a larger needle such as a 19 gauge, 3” needle or a smaller 20 gauge 1.5 in needle may be desired. In either case, a large mouth feature builder bottle has been designed with the embalmer in mind. For each syringe fill-up we recommend carefully removing the needle, placing the tip of the syringe  just below the surface of the liquid feature builder and then drawing the plunger upwards to fill the syringe.

Once the desired amount has been drawn up into the syringe, carefully place the needle back on the Lure-lock and tighten needle onto the syringe. A swab of cotton may be used to better grip the base of the needle. Next, point the tip of the needle directly in the air and depress the plunger so that all air is forced out of the syringe. 

The same swab of cotton may be used to catch any Feature Builder from squirting out of the tip of the needle.  Using the needle, inject the feature builder into the part of the face, neck or hands that needs to be filled. Once injected, you have a couple minutes to form the feature before it firms.