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Premium Jaundice | Co-Injection Fluid | 24 pk



  • Includes multiple agents to promote distribution throughout the body for effective flushing and bleaching of bilirubin, the pigment responsible for the yellowing tissue.
  • Contains a low level of formaldehyde (8 index) so that large volumes of diluted fluid can effectively be used to flush the body.
  • Counters the effect of formaldehyde on bilirubin, which many embalmers feel is the cause of "green" bodies that sometimes develop after embalming.
  • Even when large volumes of diluted fluid are injected, water-logging is not a problem because of the moisture balancing chemicals.

Price is for a 24pk case of 16oz/473ml bottles

(8 index)


Regular price $141.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $141.75 USD
Sale Call (708) 836-1215 to Order

Product Information

Fluid Type
  • Arterial
Fluid Index

Product Information

Product Name Premium Jaundice | Co-Injection Fluid | 24 pk - Default Title

Device Information

Minimum Dimensions
Maximum Dimensions
Maximum Capacity

Usage Instructions

Premium Jaundice (8 index)

Inject Premium Jaundice at 4 to 8 ounces per gallon of diluted arterial fluid.

  • Use a sufficient number of gallons to completely flush the body.
  • Intermittent drainage is recommended to assist the flushing process.
  • Thoroughly wash the face and other exposed areas of the body with soap and water to remove the yellow pigment that has surfaced. Some embalmers prefer to use a mild phenol solution to help bleach the yellowing that may have surfaced.

Special Circumstances:

Cases displaying mild to moderate jaundice: Color Guard I may be used to react with bilirubin to change its yellow coloration to a red or rosy tone.

Other Considerations:

  • A higher index arterial fluid can be injected at the end of the flushing process if further preservation is felt to be necessary. However, the writer reminds the reader that the chemistry of higher index fluids in contact with jaundice de-colorants can result in a shift in the body color. Caution is advised.
  • As an alternative, Frigid Leak Guard can be used if some additional firmness is desired.
  • Frigid Rose Colortone can be added to the diluted arterial injection fluid to counter any remaining yellow color.

Frigid Usage Instruction Video